Saturday, November 3, 2012

Excerpt from Frederico Garcia Lorca,  "Landscape"

    By mistake the evening 
had dressed in cold.
Through the mist on the panes
all the children
watch a yellow tree
change into birds.

 La tarde equivocada
se vistio de frio

Detras de los cristales
turbios, todos los ninos, 
ven convertirse en pajaros
un arbol amarillo

"Floating Bridges"

Every step we take on earth
brings us to a new world.
Every foot supported on a floating bridge.

And I know that there is no
straight road in this world-
only a giant labyrinth
of intersecting crossroads.

And steadily our feet
keep walking and creating
-like enormous fans-
these roads in embryo

"Los puentes colgantes"

Cada paso en la Tierra
nos lleva a un mundo nuevo.
Cada pie lo apoyamos
sobre un puente colgante.

Comprendo que no existe
el camino derecho.
Solo un gran laberinto
de encrucijadas multiples.

Constantemente crean
nuestros pies al andar
inmensos abanicos
desenderos en germen.

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