The food share this week includes spinach, heirloom lettuce mix, sun tea herbs, asian green stir fry bundles, basil, kale and radishes. The heirloom mix is a collection of lettuces we've seed saved over the years. Lettuce makes a stunning display when allowed to flower and we're saving a few more heirloom varieties that are doing well in our variable climate. Seed saving is a interesting art of selection that takes into consideration not only texture and often size but more importantly flavor, adaptability to a broad spectrum of conditions and time to bolting. We emphasize heirloom and open pollinated plants as this is the only true means to a sustainable food future.
We finished our mulching project for the season and already really pleased with the amount of watering we've reduced and the possibility of slowing the grass down. Mulching protects the soil from an incredible amount of water evaporation from the sun and wind on the soil surface. It also creates a new zone for soil microbes and insects to co-exist and build organic matter. It is a vital layer of our Agro-ecosystem and the difference in our garden was immediate.
So with less time water and weeding we have more time for enjoyable summer activities like planting seeds, building garden beds and forest forays! The rivers are swelling and so many unique shades of blue and green from the local sediment flow. Happy Summer Solstice!
Mariposa Lily
Oregon Grape
Western Larch
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